Alcohol Awareness NOW!
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In Loving Memory



Under Angel Wings



This site is created in memory of my son, Tyler.  He was killed on July 23, 2003 when a drunk driver crossed the median on I-40 and hit our car, head-on. 

Warning:  There may be some pictures on this site that are difficult to view.

This site was created to bring the reality of drinking and driving to people.  No one likes to think about it....and most people don't until they become a statistic or know someone who is.  Tyler was a 12 year old, innocent victim of a horrible crime.....DRINKING and DRIVING.

I would like to prevent others the pain of losing a child (or loved one) to the stupidity of someone who drinks and drives.

Our Story

We live in Texas and were in Tennessee, on our way home from visiting friends and family in Indiana.  We were told that a man driving a 2000 Chevy Monte Carlo crossed the median and struck us head on.  We were also told he was traveling at 93 mph.  We then learned that he had a blood alcohol level of .27, which is about 3 times the legal limit!  Rumor has it that the drunk driver and his female passenger just came out of a restaurant/bar in Jackson, TN. 

Tyler Thomas-Scott Cranfill

August 13, 1990 - July 23, 2003



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The mention of my child's name
may bring tears to my eyes,
But it never fails to bring music to my ears.
If you are really my friend,
let me hear the music of her (his) name!
It soothes my broken heart and sings to my soul!

~Author Unknown ~

Tyler & his little cousin, Dylan. One of the last pictures taken.


Send an email to Tyler's family.

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