Warning....Some of these pictures are graphic. |

Katie, unaware of what conditions her brother and mom are in.
Katie's injuries include: broken right forearm; broken left femur; hair-line fractures in some vertabrae; cuts, scrapes and bruises.
Katie with forced smiles.
Katie's first visit with Mom - Aug 2nd - the day of Tyler's funeral.
The next 4 pictures are of Laura's wounds.
Injuries include: fracture right ankle; internal fixator, right tib/fib; internal fixator, right femur; broken femoral neck (hip joint), cracked pelvis.... |
...internal fixator, left tib/fib; dislocation left knee; muscle flap, left leg; left leg donor site for skin graft; skin graft, left leg; skin graft, right leg; right knee damage... |
...internal fixator, right forearm; traumatic eviceration (organs inside busted out); torn spleen; broken ribs; punctured lung; broken right jaw; broken pinkie; 2 chest tube holes; tracheotomy... |
...vision impariment from head injury; ruptured tendons and ligaments in right arm; several blood transfusions; total right hip replacement; left tibia rod exchange; bone graft, right lower femur... thus far. |
Progress: 7 1/2 months later.
Ugly scars...but at least I still have my legs! |
Katie & Mom